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What is the basis of this offshoring estimate ($1.5 billion of legal work overseas in 2004)?
An article in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin (April 8, 2005) by Bill Myers includes an astounding number, citing New York lawyer Sanjay S. Kamlani, the co-founder of an offshore legal services firm. Kamlani “estimates that the U.S. sent $1.5 billion worth of legal work overseas last year.”
Rees’ Mythical Metric Meter goes deep red. Why?
A pink hue leaks in from Kamlani’s obvious self-interest; add some rouge for the subtle use of “estimates;” carmen everywhere from “worth of” because does this mean that that amount would have been paid to U.S. law firms?; deep flush from the ambiguity of hiring a Magic Circle firm and counting that money in “legal work overseas;” crimson from the question whether non-lawyer litigation support work like Bates stamping counts toward the total.
Posted on May 20, 2005 at 06:49 AM in Tools | Permalink
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