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Six Sigma and three times six posts on the topic

Six Sigma is no doubt a tool for law department managers (See my posts of July 31, 2005: general introduction; March 7, 2006: terminology; May 7, 2007: a report on Six Sigma in law departments by KPMG Forensics. A law department that succeeds with Six Sigma projects can not only improve its processes but also can gain recognition (See my post of Jan. 30, 2008: CEO praise at Textron.).

Many applications of the Six Sigma discipline have appeared here (See my posts of August 27, 2005: Medco Health; Oct. 19, 2005: bankruptcy notices at Raytheon; Nov. 14, 2005: Lean Six Sigma at Xerox; Jan. 15, 2006: Lean Six Sigma at GE; March 9, 2006: NCR; March 15, 2006: early case assessment at DuPont; March 7, 2006: trademark renewals at TRW; March 8, 2006: patent processes at International Truck and Engine; Nov. 6, 2006: litigator workloads at AXA; Dec. 11, 2007: DuPont and selection of Interwoven; May 28, 2007: Tyco and selection of outside counsel.).

Even so, a few doubts have been raised about the applicability of Six Sigma to law departments (See my posts of Jan. 20, 2007: a process that drives out innovation; and Sept. 28, 2007: infrequent instances in law departments.).

Posted on February 13, 2008 at 11:09 PM in Tools | Permalink


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Nice post. This post is different from what I read on most blog. And it have so many valuable things to learn.
Thank you for your sharing!

Posted by: Six Sigma Transformation | May 11, 2011 3:47:20 PM

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